Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Just a quick post today to put some thoughts to the blog.

The world's current population is well over 7,000,000,000 right now which should put a serious strain on all resources and kill the planet right? WRONG!!! If you took all of the people on the planet and put them in the state of Texas spaced out evenly every single person would still have 1000 sq ft of land. So why are we fed the lie that our planet has way too many people on it and depopulation is good for our mother Earth? Because the fact of the matter is that a smaller population is easier to control. I know you're reading this thinking "But with a smaller population the powers that be wouldn't make any money" Well that is true but these people don't care about money, they already have all the money in the world... they are after power. I guess the people that are striving for a one world order must have some self esteem issues, maybe small penises or are insecure about their sexuality. They're much like the bully on the playground that didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy at home so they think they need to control everything.

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