Friday, November 13, 2009

9/11 was an inside job

I just saw on the yahoo news homepage that Obama administration is going to put the 9/11 attack suspects on trial in New York. That's all fine with me if they would put the REAL suspects on trial. Where is the kingpin, Osama Bin Laden? We are losing all these lives over in the middle east, killing innocents and spending billions of dollars each year but we can't even find a clue of Osama Bin Laden in 8 years?!?

If you truely believe that Osama Bin Laden masterminded the attacks on the morning of 9/11/01 then you are a fool!! I first suspected that there was much more to the situation when the first person that was blamed with no evidence was Bin Laden. I remember that morning very vividly. I was in welding lab at the vocational school when the first plane hit, we are all called out into the lunch room to watch the news and that's when I saw the second plane. I must admit that when I saw that second plane hit the building a flame burned inside me, a growing pit of anger and I didn't know why. I guess that was just me falling for the faux terrorism just like much of the world had.

Osama Bin Laden was not the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks, he said himself that it was a tragedy, nor are any of the 5 people being detained in Gitmo. The men that are going to be tried in New York are simply patsies, just like Lee Harvey Oswald. I'm not saying that Bush coordinated the attacks on his own country... however I am saying that evidence says that he and his administration knew about them and did nothing. For the real criminals we need to investigate the Trilateral Commision and The Bilderberg Group particularly Henry Kissinger and the Rockafellers.

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