Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

I learned yesterday afternoon that a group of anonymous hackers gathered documents and emails from the Climate Research Center's database over the weekend. These documents and emails describe how they created the global warming theory and manipulated information to show it being factual when in actuality global warming could be no further from the truth.

If you didn't know, the global warming theory was the foundation for the globalists to set up a global carbon tax. The global carbon tax was the cornerstone for a global governance. Once a global tax could be set up then it would only be a matter of time before borders would be disolved and we would be under a one world government with the UK as our capital. Now that these hackers have uncovered the dark secret, the global carbon tax doesn't really hold water does it?
I wish the we didn't have to get this information in such a dirty fashion but I'm sure law enforcement wasn't going to break it open. So I guess a victory is a victory and I tip my hat to these couragous patriots.


  1. if you havent already you should look up Alex Jones

  2. Thanks for the comment Ethan, I listen to Alex everyday at work... it's thanks to him that I woke up and am now fighting the good fight. Thanks for the support and keep up the good work.
